Mangosteen Fruit Tree

Mangosteen is regarded as 'queen of tropical fruits' with unlimited export marker because of being a health fruit. One of the few fruit trees that do not require spraying against pests and disease is Mangosteen. This is because no serious pests and diseases have been observed to attack this tree. Borers sometimes attack the fruit but because of its thick rind, the borers do not reach the edible portion.

Mangosteen is often sold as P120 per kilo, and since there is not much competition, the price does not usually drop during the peak season. This also yields bountiful harvest. As Dr. Pablito Pamplona of the University of Southern Mindanao says, there are mangosteen trees that yield about 200 to 300 kilos per tree.
    Its fruit is also a genuine health food since every 100 grams of it contains up to 19 milligrams of potassium, 7 mg of sodium and calcium, 4.2 mg of Vitamin C, 4 mg of Phosphorus, 1 mg of iron, and several mg of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Niacin (Manila Bulletin, Nov. 13, 1999).
     Mangosteen should be planted in areas with 70% shade (or more) or in between shade of other fruit and forest trees.
      The leaves are easily sun-scorched, and that damages the green chlorophyll.

      In areas with limited space, grafted mangosteen, which needs only little space, can be planted. As a decorative plant, a grafted mangosteen can be planted on big pots and can serve as an indoor plant.

     To maximize the production per unit area, grafted mangosteen can be planted in between plants with shade.

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